Programming Ada: Atomics and Other Low-Level Details
Especially within the world of multi-threaded programming does atomic access become a crucial topic, as multiple execution contexts may seek to access the same memory locations at the same time. Yet the exact meaning of the word ‘atomic’ is also essential here, as there is in fact not just a single meaning of the word…
2024: As The Hardware World Turns
With 2024 now officially in the history books, it’s time to take our traditional look back and reflect on some of the top trends and stories from the past twelve months as viewed from the unique perspective Hackaday affords us. Thanks to the constant stream of tips and updates we receive from the community, we’ve…
DIYFPV: A New Home for Drone Builders
If you’re looking to get into flying first-person view (FPV) remote controlled aircraft, there’s an incredible amount of information available online. Seriously, it’s ridiculous. In fact, between the different forums and the countless YouTube videos out there, it can be difficult to sort through the noise and actually find the information you need. What if…
Light Brite Turned Sci-Fi Console on the Cheap
Generally, the projects featured on Hackaday actually do something. We won’t go as far as to say they are practical creations, but they usually have some kind of function other than to sit there and blink. But what if just sitting still and blinking away randomly is precisely what you want a piece of hardware to…
Broken USB Lamp Saved with a Bit of Woodworking
For many of us, when we think of creating a custom enclosure, our minds immediately go towards our 3D printer. A bit of time in your CAD program of choice, and in an hour (or several), you’ve got a bespoke plastic box. A hacker’s dream come true. But extruded plastic is hardly perfect. For one…
Protect Your Site with a DOOM Captcha
We all know that “Can it run DOOM?” is the first question of a hardware hacker. The 1993 first person shooter from id Software defined an entire genre of games, and has since been made open source, appearing on almost everything. Everything, that is, except a Captcha, those annoying “Are you a human” tests where…
DEP Bypass III – Cloud Me 1.11.2 – VirtualAlloc
Introduzione Terzo articolo della serie DEP Bypass, target: Cloud Me 1.11.2. Altri post in questa serie: DEP Bypass I – Vulnserver TRUN DEP Bypass II – DEP Bypass II – EasyRMtoMP3Converter L’ordine non è casuale, se non viene spiegato qualche dettaglio è perchè è stato spiegato in articoli precedenti. Consiglio di partire dal primo e…
DEP Bypass II – EasyRMtoMP3Converter
Introduzione Secondo articolo della serie DEP Bypass, target: EasyRMtoMP3Converter. Altri post in questa serie: DEP Bypass I – Vulnserver TRUN L’ordine non è casuale, se non viene spiegato qualche dettaglio è perchè è stato spiegato in articoli precedenti. Consiglio di partire dal primo e proseguire in ordine. Lab Setup Per avere un ambiente ad hoc…
DEP Bypass I – Vulnserver TRUN
Introduzione La Data Exectution Prevention (DEP) è una funzione di protezione della memoria inserita da Windows XP in poi e consente al sistema di contrassegnare una o più pagine di memoria come non eseguibili. Ciò significa che il codice non può essere eseguito da quella regione di memoria, il che rende più difficile lo sfruttamento…
Egghunter V – Sysax 5.53
Introduzione Quinto articolo della serie Egghunter Buffer Overflow, target Sysax 5.53 Altri post in questa serie: Egghunter I – Vulnserver GMON Egghunter II – freeFTPd 1.0.10 Egghunter III – Vulnserver KSTET Egghunter IV – TFTP Server 1.4 Egghunter V – Sysax 5.3 L’ordine non è casuale, se non viene spiegato qualche dettaglio è perchè è…