Insecure Bootstrap Process in Oracle Cloud CLI


The bootstrap process for Oracle Cloud CLI using the “curl | bash” pattern was insecure since there was no way to verify authenticity of the downloaded binaries. The vendor is now publishing checksums that can be used to verify the downloaded binaries.

Vulnerability Details

As part of our ongoing research into supply chain attacks, we have been analyzing bash installer scripts using the “curl | basj” pattern. Oracle provides such script used to install the CLI command for interaction with Oracle Cloud. However, there was no way to check whether the files that the script downloads are legitimate, which could potentially open the end-user to supply chain attacks. The installer is run as follows:

bash -c "$(curl -L"

Vendor Response

The vendor started publishing SHA-256 checksums for the CLI.


Vendor reference # S1456147

Vendor security advisory: Jan 2022


2021-04-21: Initial report to the vendor
2021-04-21: Vendor acknowledged the report
2021-05-04: Vendor communicated that a fix is pending
2021-12-28: Vendor reported that a fix has been implemented and credit will be provided in an advisory
2022-01-18: Vendor advisory published
2022-02-06: Public disclosure

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