Post-doc in Cryptanalysis of Post-quantum Signatures

Job Posting: Post-doc in Cryptanalysis of Post-quantum Signatures

SnT, University of Luxembourg (Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg)

CryptoLUX team at the University of Luxembourg searches for a post-doc to work on the PQseal project about cryptanalysis of post-quantum signatures. The duration of the position is 1.5 years (18 months), with planned start in March-April 2025. The postdoc will work closely with Aleksei Udovenko who leads the project funded by the highly competitive FNR’s CORE Junior grant.

The candidate should have obtained or going to soon obtain PhD in Mathematics or Computer science. The research profile includes (any) cryptanalysis and/or equation system solving (e.g., Gröbner bases), parallel computing. Preference would be given to applicants with experience in multivariate and/or code-based cryptosystems and cryptanalysis methods, familiarity with computer algebra (SageMath, Magma).

The prospective candidates should send their CV with a list of publications to aleksei.udovenko at (same address can be used for any questions related to the position). Deadline for applications is 1st of February 2025, but applications will be considered upon receipt, so early application is encouraged.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Aleksei Udovenko (aleksei.udovenko at

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