A first look at Android 14 forensics
Android 14 was released to the public by the Open Handset Alliance on October 4, 2023, and is now available on various smartphones, including the Google Pixel. This blog post aims to explore a list of the majr oartifacts you can find on this version of the Android OS. For testing and review, I set up…
Analysis of Android settings during a forensic investigation
During the forensic examination of a smartphone, we sometimes need to understand some basic settings of the device. Some simple examples are: What is the name of the device? Is the “Set time automatically” option on or off? Is the “Set time zone automatically” option on or off? Is mobile data switched on or off?…
A quick post on Chen’s algorithm
Update (April 19): Yilei Chen announced the discovery of a bug in the algorithm, which he does not know how to fix. This was independently discovered by Hongxun Wu and Thomas Vidick. At present, the paper does not provide a polynomial-time algorithm for solving LWE. If you’re a normal person — that is, a person…
To Schnorr and beyond (part 2)
This post continues a long, wonky discussion of Schnorr signature schemes and the Dilithium post-quantum signature. You may want to start with Part 1. In the previous post I discussed the intuition behind Schnorr signatures, beginning with a high-level design rationale and ending with a concrete instantiation. As a reminder: our discussion began with this…
PRFs, PRPs and other fantastic things
A few weeks ago I ran into a conversation on Twitter about the weaknesses of applied cryptography textbooks, and how they tend to spend way too much time lecturing people about Feistel networks and the boring details of AES. Some of the folks in this conversation suggested that instead of these things, we should be…
How AI can assess a study’s novelty and impact various industries
Innovative AI tools in scientific research In today’s rapidly evolving world, AI is not just transforming industries but also unlocking new opportunities for innovation across almost all sectors, including research. One such opportunity in scientific research is to create an objective method for evaluating the originality of research: an AI-powered tool for novelty scores. By assessing the…
Nearly Half of Businesses Weaken Sustainability Goals Due to Generative AI Demands, Capgemini Report Reveals
Google has stated that its goal to reach net-zero emissions across all its operations and value chain by 2030 is now “extremely ambitious” thanks to its data centre usage. Go to Source