BSidesPDX CTF : SeaQuell
Category: Web Points: 200 Description: Our competitors at SeaQuell have uploaded their latest proprietary data to their employee area. We have already compromised their web developer and obtained the source code to their site, here: seaquell.py Host: a32fcd6eab2d811e784db0a6f99bb55a-829124630.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com Port: 1589 Seaquell.py Note The BSidesPDX organizers have made the source code for all of their challenges…
The First Password on the Internet
It was created in 1973 by Peter Kirstein: So from the beginning I put password protection on my gateway. This had been done in such a way that even if UK users telephoned directly into the communications computer provided by Darpa in UCL, they would require a password. In fact this was the first password…