Using Kafka as a Fast Correlation Engine
In this article, we explore how Kafka Streams can be utilized for filtering and correlating events in real time, effectively transforming Kafka into a high-speed correlation engine. By leveraging the capabilities of ksqlDB, you can deploy content rules and filter alerts directly within Kafka. This approach enables real-time filtration and aggregation of log event flows using…
We discovered several vulnerabilities in the Milesight UG67 Outdoor LoRaWAN Gateway. The device had an unprotected USB console allowing access to the root file-system for analysis, an undocumented default password usable for remote SSH login, a command execution circumventing the restricted shell and a local privilege escalation using ubus as well as a local privilege escalation using world-writeable webroot. The issues can be combined to allow privileged access from a remote connection.
We discovered several vulnerabilities in the Milesight UG67 Outdoor LoRaWAN Gateway. The device had an unprotected USB console allowing access to the root file-system for analysis, an undocumented default password usable for remote SSH login, a command execution circumventing the restricted shell and a local privilege escalation using ubus as well as a local privilege…
New advisory released: Skyhigh Security Secure Web Gateway: Information Disclosure Due to Same Origin Policy Bypass on Block Page.
New advisory released: Skyhigh Security Secure Web Gateway: Information Disclosure Due to Same Origin Policy Bypass on Block Page. Go to Source
Our new blog post describes the exploitation of a remote code execution vulnerabiltiy in the open-source learning platform Moodle. A short summary of the vulnerability discovered by us can be found in the corresponding advisory Moodle: Remote Code Execution via Calculated Questions.
Our new blog post describes the exploitation of a remote code execution vulnerabiltiy in the open-source learning platform Moodle. A short summary of the vulnerability discovered by us can be found in the corresponding advisory Moodle: Remote Code Execution via Calculated Questions. Go to Source
We discovered several vulnerabilities in the Single Sign On components of WatchGuard: the protocol used is insecure and can be redirected, an interface based on the Telnet protocol contains a backdoor and the SSO Agent can be crashed by sending unexpected data.
We discovered several vulnerabilities in the Single Sign On components of WatchGuard: the protocol used is insecure and can be redirected, an interface based on the Telnet protocol contains a backdoor and the SSO Agent can be crashed by sending unexpected data. Go to Source
New advisory released: Aptos Wisal Payroll Accounting Uses Hardcoded Database Credentials.
New advisory released: Aptos Wisal Payroll Accounting Uses Hardcoded Database Credentials. Go to Source
On 17 June 2024, Alexander Neumann will give a lecture at the Hasso Plattner Institut in Potsdam titled “Behind the Screens: Insights and Stories of Real-World Penetration Testing“. The slides are available for download under Talks.
On 17 June 2024, Alexander Neumann will give a lecture at the Hasso Plattner Institut in Potsdam titled “Behind the Screens: Insights and Stories of Real-World Penetration Testing“. The slides are available for download under Talks. Go to Source
On 10 July 2024, Alexander Neumann will give the lecture “Behind the Screens: Insights and Stories of Real-World Penetration Testing“ in German at the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University. The lecture is public and takes place at 16:30 o’clock at the ITC lecture hall at Seffenter Weg 23.
On 10 July 2024, Alexander Neumann will give the lecture “Behind the Screens: Insights and Stories of Real-World Penetration Testing“ in German at the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University. The lecture is public and takes place at 16:30 o’clock at the ITC lecture hall at Seffenter Weg 23. Go to Source
Alexander Neumann held the talk „Der Bitwarden-Biometrie-Unfall – Wenn ein Pentest nebenher einen kritischen Fehler im Passwort-Manager aufdeckt” at the event “Studierende treffen Alumni und Unternehmensexpert:innen” at the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences. The German language slides are available for download under Publications.
Alexander Neumann held the talk „Der Bitwarden-Biometrie-Unfall – Wenn ein Pentest nebenher einen kritischen Fehler im Passwort-Manager aufdeckt” at the event “Studierende treffen Alumni und Unternehmensexpert:innen” at the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences. The German language slides are available for download under Publications. Go to Source
RedTeam Pentesting has a new member: Tobias Ferring reinforces the team as a new penetration tester.
RedTeam Pentesting has a new member: Tobias Ferring reinforces the team as a new penetration tester. Go to Source